4 Way Traffic Signal Using Flip Flops
Digital Electronics Project 4 Way Traffic Signal Construction For this project of 4 way traffic signal we will be seeing all design steps necessary for its development. Digital circuits can be categorized in two main categories one is Combination and other is Sequential, our project of traffic signal includes both of these. steps required to make combination circuits are as follows Truth Table K Maps Boolean Expression Logic Diagram Implementation steps required to make sequential circuits are as follows State Diagram State Table Choice of Flip Flop to be used and Its Excitation Table K maps Boolean Expression Logic Diagram Implementation So we will be considering combination part of our 4 way traffic signal project first. Figure 1: Truth Table 4 Way Traffic Signal. Figure 1 shows the sequence of signal lights which are required, it is quite evident that in a 4 way traffic signal at any one time one signal should be green only while other 3 should be red and just befor...