FM Transmitter Project

 FM Transmitter Circuit

FM Transmitter circuit uses radio waves to communicate data across space, FM means Frequency Modulation this modulation works when ever there is a data that is to be transmitted over a Radio Frequency which could be as low as 3k Hz or as high as 300 G Hz data alters the carries signal frequency according to its high and low peaks, frequency variations in carrier signal is now actually data which is being transmitted over it.

Data which is transmitted over FM transmitter could be of Analogue or Digital nature depending on what is being transmitted, for example Analogue data could be Sound from microphone, Temperature form lm 35 which is analogue temperature sensor, Light intensity variations from LDR or FM transmitter might be used for transmitting Digital Data sound stream from digital microphone, file being transmitted, internet data.

Circuit Diagram

Starting from the LHS first transistor 2n2222 is for microphone and second transistor is for FM oscillator and transmission, 

Complex part is tuning this circuit as we are dealing with values of pico farad range that is 10^-12 so even minor variations during tuning will effect values of carrier frequency like applying pressure on variable capacitor while tuning or if some how Inductor changes its shape.

For tuning FM transmitter you do not need microphone to be connected in your circuit, if it is connected no problem its good but if you are missing microphone for any reason but still want to proceed with tuning so you can do that, when your circuit gets tuned to your desired frequency you will hear silence on that particular frequency on your receiver. 

Antenna size of greater length will cause impedance matching issues. 


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